Time Task Place
09:30 to
13:00 o’clock
Output Starting documents all subscriber Marquee Maarbad
09:30 to
10:30 o’clock

Check-in Change zone Schüler A/ Jugend B/ Staffel Schüler

Gesundland Vulkaneifel X-Triathon

Change Zone-check-in
10:50 o’clock Competition meeting
Schüler A / Jugend B und

Gesundland Vulkaneifel X-Triathon

Swim Entry

At the electronic participant registration

11:00 o’clock start Schüler A /Jugend B
Staffel Schüler
Gesundland Vulkaneifel X-Triathon

Swimming Entry Zone

After registration no longer leave!!!

11:40 to 13:00 o’clock check-in Sprint, JA, Staffel, Vulkandistanz Change Zone-check-in
13:40 o’clock Race review Sprint, Staffel und Vulkan-Distanz Swim Entry
14:00 o’clock start VULKAN-Distanz (Einzel und Staffel)
After a VULKAN-Distanz

Start of  Sprintstrecke mit JA, Einzel and Staffel

Swim Entry

At the electronic subscriber registration!

ca. 15:00 o’clock Award Ceremony
Schüler A/ JB

Spectator area Target Inlet

In bad weather conditions in the marquee

19:00 o’clock latest check-out of all participants from the
Change Zone

Change Zone- check-out

Transponder submit!!!

19:10 o’clock Award ceremonies Sprint, Staffel und VULKAN-Distanz Stage Marquee
20:30 o’clock

After-race-party with Fused cover band

opening act Band from 20:30 o’clock

Admission for participants plus 1 accompanying person free-please wear ribbons from the starter packages!
